
With the tagline "Hooked on Fashion," TSURIMARU TOKYO offers a unique design that blends American garage style with a touch of fishing essence.

『Hooked on Fashion』をタグラインに掲げたTSURIMARU TOKYOは、アメリカンガレージスタイルに釣りのエッセンスを加えた独自のデザインを提案します。



"Tsurimaru" was first published in 1999 and remained a beloved offshore fishing magazine for 23 years. It was launched as a specialized publication aimed at offshore fishing enthusiasts, providing detailed information on specific fish species and fishing areas.

With the advent of digitalization, "Tsurimaru" has evolved into an online platform and app. While maintaining support from its magazine-era fans, it continues to contribute to the growth of modern fishing culture.



Tsurimaru Books